Life’s Misadventures


“Everyday there’s a new challenge, a chance to be better and go for your dreams.”

First thing I hear this morning. This brought back a lot of memories.

Yeah, it’s the first few lines of a song that the locals know as a commercial jingle, something Marketing comes up with so that it stick into your brain like a magnet to metal. It’s a rare event when a commercial jingle actually makes sense and this is one of them.

From the Optimist’s viewpoint, it means “everyday I’m getting closer to my goal/dreams”. For the Pessimist it means “another day, another headache”.

But what about from a Optimistic Pessimist’s point of view? Or better yet, the view of a Pessimistic Optimist?

Makes you wanna cry out “But those things don’t exist!” doesn’t it? But in reality and in our present time, they do.

The Optimistic Pessimist lives with the credo “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst”. Seeing life a shade darker than everyone else but always hoping things don’t come out the way they planned (which is negatively).

So what’s a Pessimistic Optimist?

This kind of person thinks things through in an obscure way. Every little detail is scrutinized until the best possible solution presents itself. Unfortunately, that “best” solution inevitably winds up being the worst.

So what’s this got to do with life and its adventures?

That’s sort of the point. Not every adventure leads you to an end. Sometimes it just loops around and around until nothing makes sense.

Sort of like what I’m talking about today.

Getting to work every day is honestly a pain. The commute on the Rail Transit System that makes the claim of “a safe and fast ride” which is anything but fast and with the number of people there, getting stampeded is no illusion. When you do finally get to ride, it’s packed tighter than sardines in a can.

Long lines at the exit turnstiles add to your dismay, especially when out of 6 or 7 turnstiles, only 3 actually work.

You could delusion yourself into thinking that that’s the worst part of the day. Unfortunately, you realize that you left your wallet and lunch at home because you were in a rush to leave because you overslept since you spent all night watching GLEE on TV.

Sure you enjoyed watching GLEE and getting those few extra minutes of sleep, but is that the best solution? Probably not but you certainly had your fun.

Life’s a misadventure. Everything else is piracy.